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Three Mukhi Rudraksh (Nepali Bead)


The Three Mukhi Rudraksha is the most potent and sought-after Rudraksha because it represents the union of the Trinity Gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh.

It also symbolises Lord Agni Deva, a fiery and formidable Rig Vedic deity (fire God). One of the most potent reasons why this bead is so well-liked is that it aids in waving off acquired sins from previous lives and other karmic obligations, enabling one to enjoy a fruitful life that is only based in the present.

The 3 Mukhi rudraksha also promotes spiritual development and health advantages for the wearer. The three Mukhi bring riches, luck, and happiness to the wearer when paired with potent mantras.

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According to Shastra’s

।।। त्रिमुखश्चैव रुद्राक्षो अप्वग्नित्रयस्वरूपकः तद्धारणाच्च हुतभुक् तस्य तुष्यति नित्यशः ।।
श्रीमद्देवीभागवतम् अ. ७, श्लो. २६

All three forms of fire may be found in the Three Mukhi Rudrakshas. Lord Agni bestows a blessing on the wearer. Chapter 7 of the Shrimad-Bhagavatam, verse 26

The Three Mukhi Rudrakshas’ essence is that Lord Agni has blessed them.

Agni bestows blessings on the three mukhi Rudrakshas (fire). He is the fierce and mighty Rig Vedic god with three faces. He is referred to as Saptajivha and Mahajwalaa (the one with seven tongues). Agni Dev is the deity that appears as lightning, the scorching heat of the sun, and cooking fire in homes. Anything that comes in contact with him gets destroyed.

It is recommended for increasing energy levels, fighting lethargy, and enhancing blood circulation. It is thought to give the wearer bravery, fearlessness, and higher self-esteem. It helps reduce Mars’ unfavorable effects. It offers the kids a barrier of defense.

The advantages of wearing a 3 Mukhi Rudraksha

The wearer is said to become fearless, courageous, and their self-esteem is raised. It helps reduce Mars’ unfavorable effects. Children who are prone to accidents and illnesses are thought to benefit from it. Spiritual Benefits: According to our sacred books, the wearing of this Rudraksha absolves one of sins, karmic debts, and recollections of previous lives. For those who want to overcome inferiority complexes, fear, guilt, depressive thoughts, anxiety, and weakness, it is the best option. This Rudraksha represents a free and positive way of living. Health Benefits: It is reputed to be successful in treating anemia in patients.It promotes blood circulation, gives you more energy, and helps you fight lethargy. It is said to be a cure for eyesight, bones, heart and lungs


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