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Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksh


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Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksh

According to Shastra’s


॥ जॐ विश्वरूपाय विद्महे विश्वकर्मणे धीमहि तन्नो परब्रह्म प्रचोदयात् ||


Vishwakarma, the creator, architect, and divine engineer of the cosmos, is the deity of the creative force that keeps it all together.

The essence of the Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha is Lord Vishwakarma, the mysterious creator of several heavenly realms and weapons.He is also known as the celestial architect. He is a master at creating beautiful and imaginative crafts. According to the scriptures, wearing this Rudraksha will quickly make the person wealthy. The writings state that the bearer gains immediate wealth and improved spiritual abilities.

It may come from an unanticipated bequest, a sharp rise in the cost of stocks or mutual funds, an increase in the value of existing property, or winning in games of chance. According to the Katyayani Tantra, the 17-mukh Rudraksha represents Goddess Katyayani herself. This rudraksha bestows all four achievements. Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha are all felt by the wearer. As a result, the 17-Mukhi Rudraksha receives both of these holy forces.

Advantages of wearing a 17 Mukhi Rudraksha include:

General Advantages: It is claimed to strengthen spiritual abilities. It’s possible to have an unexpected property inheritance, a sudden increase in the value of stocks and equities, and a rise in the value of real estate and fixed assets. Lady Luck will rain fortune on those who participate in games of chance.Spiritual Benefits: According to literature, this bead has the power to artistically shape a person so that they can take control of their destiny. To own and control his fate, he takes on the role of “soul captain.” The bead is what illuminates the correct way to lead the user through a problem. Enhancements are made to intuition, telepathy, and creative intelligence. It is renowned for severing previous karmic connections and freeing human existence from karmic enslavement and the fear of dying.Benefits to health: The bones and nerves are reported to benefit greatly from this Rudraksha. Mahamrityunjaya is another name for the 17 Mukhi Rudraksha. This is why a Rudraksha mala composed of the numbers 1 to 17 is known as the Mahamrityunjaya mala.

The Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha should be worn by:It is supposed to be fantastic for individuals who want to launch a new business, enterprise, or endeavour on their own. The wearer will suddenly become wealthy, according to ancient texts.

Women who seek the blessings of the 17-mukhi Rudraksha and wear it are extraordinarily blessed. Others could get a big cash surprise and an unexpected fortune. According to legend, this Rudraksha has the unique ability to suddenly shower one with money from unexpected sources.This wonderful bead is fantastic for anyone looking to launch a new project or company. The wearer receives a prodigious downpour of money and spiritual strength.

Rudraksha and Lord Vishwakarma in the 17th mukhi Rudraksh

The beauty of stunning architecture or an artistic creation that serves a function is a blessing from Lord Vishwakarma. This mystical blessing is enclosed in the 17-mukhi Rudraksha. The 17-Mukhi Rudraksha regulates Saturn’s negative effects.The architectural splendour of Lanka’s golden metropolis was designed by Vishwakarma. Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati were the intended recipients of what was ultimately handed to the Asura King Ravana as Dakshina. It was Lord Vishwakarma who gathered the ashes and used them to create a doll after Lord Shiva used the fire emanating from his third eye to burn Kamdev to ashes. This was given life by Lord Shiva, who also breathed life into the great Bhanda (Bhandasura). When Suryadev’s light became too great for his bride to handle, Lord Vishwakarma gathered the extra and used it to create heavenly weapons, reducing the intensity of Surya’s radiance. The beauty of stunning architecture or an artistic creation that serves a function is a blessing from Lord Vishwakarma. This mystical blessing is enclosed in the 17-mukhi Rudraksha. The 17-Mukhi Rudraksha regulates Saturn’s negative effects. The 17 Mukhi Rudraksha bestows a lovely marital life upon the wearer. It is believed to grant them a compatible spouse, decent kids, happiness, and a spouse who lives a longer life. Women can chant the Katyayani Devi mantra to enlist her blessings.


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