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Nine Mukhi Rudraksha


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Nine Mukhi Rudraksh

According to Shastra’s

।। दुर्गवातधिष्ठात्री नवरूपा महेश्वरी तं धरस्येव्दामहस्ते रुद्राक्षं भक्ति तत्परः सर्वेश्वरो भवेन्नूनं मम तुल्यो न संशयः ।।
शिव पुराण, अ. २५, श्लो. ७४/७५

Nava Durga has authority over the nine Mukhi Rudrakshas. The wearer transforms into Lord Shiva by donning it on their left hand’s wrist. Shiva Purana, Shloka 25 of Chapter 74. Rudraksha’s nine mukhi essence The nine majestic forms of Goddess Durga bestow their blessings upon the 9 Mukhi Rudraksha. The name Nav Durga refers to these nine manifestations. The core of Nav Durga devotion is raw force and energy. Shakti, the name given to Goddess Durga, is the fundamental energy of the entire cosmos.

The 9 Mukhi Rudraksha is enveloped in this almighty mother’s essence. Wearers of this sacred bead are shielded from all bad energies as a protective armor forms around them as a result of the Devi’s favor. In order to provide the bearer with a boost of power and energy, the Nav Durga manifests to quickly attack malevolent enemy forces. Shailputri, Bramhacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandmata, Katyayani, Kaalraatri, Mahagauri, and Siddhidhatri are among them. Throughout Navratri, they are revered. Lord Bhairav also blesses this Rudraksha, according to the Padma Puran and Shrimad Devi Bhagwatam.

Wearing a 9 Mukhi Rudraksha has several advantages:

Benefits in general It is thought to provide the wearer with a wealth of vitality, drive, and courage. The lady who works tirelessly at home, in the office, or in both settings is also said to benefit greatly from wearing this bead. Career women who are always on the go are very interested in the Durga Shakti bracelet because it is an emblem of unwavering power.

Benefits for the soul: According to literature, it fosters spiritual inclination and faith. God-centeredness permeates all aspects of existence. Ketu’s negative impacts are cancelled out. Kaal Sarpa Dosh’s effects are likewise significantly restrained.

Health Benefits: It is reputed to be quite helpful for allergies, bodily aches, and stomach-related problems. Additionally, all ear, nose, and throat issues are cured. Those who ought to wear nine mukhi Rudraksha

The same energy is present in the nine mukhi Rudrakshas. It gives the user strength and self-assurance.

The 9 Mukhi Rudraksha makes its wearer brave and stress-free. The almighty Shaktis’ mercy pardons sins committed by individuals. It is the ideal talisman for using fire to purify one’s conscience. This Rudraksha has nine potent properties, according to the Rudraksha Jabalo Upanishad. In addition, Kaal Bhairav increases the power of its defense. This is the reason why it is stated that wearing this bead will help a person overcome their dread of time (Kaal). It is said to counteract Ketu’s negative effects.

The mysterious power of the holy goddess is dissipated by the nine Mukhi Rudrakshas. It is chosen by working women and housewives for this reason. When worn close to the heart, the energy of the Nav Durga is ensconced in the deepest core of our hearts. At this point, deep reservoirs of bravery and strength must be summoned in order to express a bold and active existence.


The ancient Vedic literature is where the idea of God as a woman first appeared.

The supreme feminine spirit is also related to the hymns known as Suktam. Regarding the age of the Nav Durga’s abilities, there is no room for debate. If the wearer submits to her in humility, he is showered with a profusion of favours. The 9 Mukhi Rudraksha provides daily guidance, soothes ailments through tough times, and protects against evil powers. This Rudraksha can be put on the left hand’s wrist. Additionally, it is employed in the protective combination together with the 10 and 11 Mukhi. For women who are focused on their careers, the 9 Mukhi Rudraksha is frequently suggested. It is known to relieve bodily pains, allergies that affect the skin, and stomach-related problems.

The Durga mythology

Mahishasur was a monster that existed in the past. Due to a blessing from Lord Brahma, he had become mighty. This blessing made it impossible for any Devata, Vishnu, or Shiva to kill him. He was gaining ground quickly while oppressing Rishis, Devatas, and mankind. At that point, Lord Brahma commanded the Devatas to call upon the Devi. From the magnificent force that Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh released, Goddess Parvati took the form of Goddess Durga. She rode a lion while carrying weapons in all of her hands that had been given to her by various gods. Mahishasur proposes to her after being in awe of her beauty. She belittles him, refuses to follow his commands, and engages in combat with his troops. This goddess saw to it that numerous shaktis sprouted from inside. The legend of Durga

In the past, there was a monster named Mahishasura. He had become strong thanks to Lord Brahma’s grace. With this benediction, no Devata, Vishnu, or Shiva could harm him. He was oppressing mankind, Devatas, and Rishis a lot and was gaining ground swiftly. Lord Brahma then gave the Devatas the order to invoke the Devi. Goddess Parvati took the shape of Goddess Durga from the great energy that Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh discharged. She rode a lion, holding in all her hands weapons bestowed upon her by different gods. Mahishasur is so impressed by her beauty that he asks her to marry him. She insults him, defies his orders, and engages in conflict with his soldiers. This Goddess made sure that many Shaktis emerged from inside.


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