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Six Mukhi Rudraksha


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According to Shastra’s


।। वाग्मी धीरः सभायाम् च तृपवेश्मनी संसदि न च कातरतामेती तैव भंगो भवेद्ध्रुवम् ।।
पद्मपुराण, अ. ५७, श्लो. ६२

Six Mukhi Rudraksha holder is thought to enhance their speaking abilities. It is said that the person does not feel afraid or anxious. Shloka 62 of Chapter 57 of the Padma Purana describes

Rudraksha’s six mukhi essences.

The Six Mukhi Rudraksha receive the blessing of Lord Kartikeya, the handsome, vivacious, and brave son of Lord Shiva. As well as Skanda (the spilt one), Shanmukha (the six-faced one), and Mahasena (the commander of the Devas’ army, Guru Guha), Kartikeya has other names (he who resides in a cave symbolic of the heart of Shiva). Kartikeya is shown as a bold young warrior with a brilliant face who rides a peacock while clutching his weapon, the Shaktivel.

The Six Mukhi Rudraksha is helpful in controlling Venus’ negative effects.According to certain traditions, Kartikeya and Lord Ganesha together blessed this Rudraksha. The user of this Rudraksha is said to receive blessings from Goddess Laxmi as well. Thus, it may be worn around the wrist or around the neck to combat fatigue while enhancing vitality, beauty, necessary communication, and fearlessness. The six Mukhi Rudrakshas can make the person appear more appealing. The writings make it very apparent that this Rudraksha should be worn in order to attract the proper wisdom, wealth, and youth. It bestows knowledge, enhanced intelligence, willpower, and a clear mind on the user. It improves one’s expressiveness, oratory skills, and artistic qualities.

 Why you should wear a 6 Mukhi Rudraksha:

It is thought to be healthy for the mind and helps with communication skill improvement. It is said to grant the user knowledge, greater intelligence, willpower, and a stable mind when summoned. It claimed to enhance creative prowess, expressiveness, and oratory abilities.

Spiritual advantages:

According to ancient scriptures, wearing a six mukhi energises the sacral chakra’s Svadhisthana Chakra, enhancing vigor and clearing any obstructed energy. Benefits to health: It is said to enhance guys’ prostate glands and be excellent for the reproductive system. It makes women’s gynecological problems less severe. It has been discovered to be helpful in enhancing how well muscles and nerves work. Those who ought to wear six mukhi Rudraksha: It is said to be beneficial for educators, executives, journalists, and individuals looking to advance their marketing and communication abilities. The user of this Rudraksha learns to live and cherish life without wallowing in sadness or self-pity and is liberated from emotional pain. With intelligence, wisdom, and knowledge, the wearer is supposed to gain dynamic energy, love, beauty, and harmony. The wearer will thus get a stronger appreciation for relationships, love, and music. The

Lord Kartikeya Narrative

Our traditions claim that Lord Kartikeya was created from Lord Shiva’s spilt seed in order to vanquish Tarkasur.This seed created such a strong heat that Agnidev was given the responsibility of keeping it safe. Even so, he was unable to keep it for very long before giving it to Ganga. When the Ganga waters started to dissipate, she threw this seed onto the Sharavana reeds. Once the seed was in these reeds, Lord Shiva again put his seed into Agni who gave it to Ganga The seed was divided into six offspring, who were raised by the six Krittikas. The six kids were sobbing hysterically until Goddess Parvati arrived to visit them. They were united into one child by her. The six-faced child sighed and merged his faces as he caught her eye. Shakti, Brahma, Saraswati, and Laxmi all trained this youngster.

Tarkasur was then defeated and slain by him. When Lord Shiva once questioned Kartikeya about the meaning of Om, Kartikeya said that he would only reveal this knowledge if he were given a position higher than Mahadev. Young Skanda was awarded a spot on Lord Shiva’s shoulder after telling him this well-kept secret, much to the joy of Goddess Parvati. The energy known as Kartikeya is what gives the power of OM its significance (Pranava). The form and force of Lord Kartikeya are precisely described in this stanza from the Skanda Shakta Stotra. From the moment of his birth, pure and strong celestial beings like Agni, Ganga, the Krittikas, Laxmi, and Parvati helped Kartikeya. He is also connected to Mars since he was born from Lord Shiva’s flaming sperm. Kartikeya is part of the triad, also known as Tritriya in Sanatana Dharma


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