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Tweleve Mukhi Rudraksha


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Tweleve Mukhi Rudraksh

।। रुद्राक्षम द्वादशास्यम यः कंठ देशे तु धारयेत आदित्यस्तुष्यतेनित्यं द्वादशास्ये व्यवस्थितः नैव वहनेर्भयं चै न च व्याधिः प्रवर्तते अर्थलाभं सुखं भुक्ता ईश्वरो न दरिद्रता ।।
पद्म पुराण, अ. ५७, श्लो. ८०/८२

According to Shastra’s

Lord Aditya is satisfied when 12 Mukhi Rudraksha are worn (Sun). The wearer gains money and happiness in addition to being free from sickness. Shlokas 80–82 of Chapter 57 of the Padma Purana: Essence of the Twelve Mukhi Rudrakshas: The sun, also known as Surya, blesses the Twelve Mukhi Rudrakshas. The name given to the 12 Mukhi Rudrakshas is Dwadash Aditya. The 12 Mukhi can bring prosperity and pleasure to the user, according to the Padma Puran. He is no longer terrified of infectious illnesses and flaming energy.

The wearer is shielded from poverty. This bead annuls any sin resulting from the slaughter of animals or from aiding in the murder of combatants.The 12 Mukhi Rudraksha wearer does not suffer any dread of armed persons, horned animals, or lions, according to the Shrimad Devi Bhagwatam. There is no pain in his body or mind. The wearer of this Rudraksha becomes courageous and is liberated from problems as a result. Lord Vishnu bestows his blessing on this bead, according to the Rudraksha Jabalo Upanishad. It develops leadership skills and gives the person authority over others. It offers inner power to dominate like a great monarch and makes the bearer brilliant like the sun. It rids the person of all internal uncertainties that trouble the mind and bestows internal joy.

Why you should wear a 12 Mukhi Rudraksha

Benefits in general:

It is thought that wearing this bead can help one acquire name recognition, renown, influence, and power. It significantly improves leadership and management skills. This bead is useful for professionals, including attorneys, physicians, and chartered accountants. Additionally, it is thought that wearing this bead enhances the wearer’s confidence and ability to inspire others, enabling him to take the lead or pave the way for others. He may guide people down his path to greatness in this way. Vaastu flaws are fixed with a 12-mukh hanging. Spiritual advantages: The atman, or essence of all beings, is referred to in the scriptures as the sun.The sun is therefore nothing other than itself. Aditya, or the Sun, is prana, or life-giving energy.

According to the Vedas, wearing a 12 Mukhi Rudraksha close to the heart assures that it is nearby. The heart chakra (AnahataChakra) gets invigorated as a result. Benefits to health: It is said to strengthen internal organs and be helpful for conditions affecting the eyes, skin, and heart.

The Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha should be worn by:

The 12 Mukhi is often advised for executives, medical professionals, attorneys, and C.A.Ss. The judgment and wisdom required to lead with authority and stand out in their profession are generously granted. The Rudraksha with 12 Mukhi is a brilliant and powerful bead. The Bible makes reference to its ability to heal illnesses.

The wearer exhibits Surya Dev’s strong will. Stress and rage are reduced with its assistance. Negative habits like worrying, being suspicious, relying on others, and having low self-esteem are eliminated. All of the digestive organs, especially the heart and vision, are efficiently energised and strengthened by this Rudraksha. Wearing this Rudraksha, rising early before sunrise, and reciting the Surya Gayatri mantra are all said to have extraordinarily favorable effects.

The legend of Samba The Samba Purana claims that Lord Krishna married Jambwanti. Their son, Samba, was born. He was quite attractive. His charisma and brilliance were outstanding. He once made a mistake that caused him to contract leprosy. His charming youth was now starting to fade, and he was taking on a really difficult physical aspect. His condition deteriorated. He calls upon Surya, the sun. He prayed fervently until Surya arrived and gave him a blessing. Samba was only able to put an end to this unfortunate situation with Surya’s approval. He therefore recovered his health and his youthful appearance. An excerpt from this Purana describes Lord Surya as the radiance-filled universe’s lord, who bestows wisdom through his effulgent beams.

Through his presence and brilliance, he may provide salvation. The heavenly wheel of time is held by Lord Surya, who has a red complexion and drives a chariot pulled by seven white horses. He is the kind father who extinguishes all transgressions with his countless rays of light while also providing warmth and brilliance. The Suryashtakam concludes by elaborating on the might of this deity from the Rig Veda.



High Quality, Medium Quality


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